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Odin, all-father, rules the realm of Asgard as the supreme deity of the Norse pantheon. Odin, a piece of Windows software released internally by Samsung, is used to flash firmware images to Android-based phones and tablets. It’s important not to get them confused.

全父的奥丁统治着阿斯加德的王国,成为北欧万神殿的至高神灵。 Odin是三星内部发布的Windows软件,用于将固件映像刷新到基于Android的手机和平板电脑。 重要的是不要让他们感到困惑。

Unlike Google and some other phone manufacturers, Samsung keeps a tight lid on its software, using locked firmware and bootloaders to dissuade users from and making other modifications. That means Odin is often the easiest way to load up software onto a Samsung phone, both legitimate and home-made. So toss on a copy of  and let’s get started.

与Google和其他一些手机制造商不同,三星对软件保持严格控制,使用锁定的固件和引导加载程序阻止用户并进行其他修改。 这意味着Odin通常是将软件加载到合法和自制三星手机上的最简单方法。 因此,折腾一下 ,我们开始吧。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

Thankfully, you only need a few things for this (besides the Odin software itself—we’ll get to that):


  • A Samsung phone or tablet

  • A Windows desktop or laptop

  • A USB cable


Got it all? Great.

知道了吗? 大。

什么是奥丁? (What Is Odin?)

Odin is a Windows-based program that automates the process of flashing firmware to Samsung’s Android-based devices. It’s not intended for consumers: the tool is meant for Samsung’s own personnel and approved repair centers. All the versions of Odin that have leaked on the Internet are posted to enthusiast sites and user forums, specifically for the purpose of end users to repair or customize their devices.

Odin是基于Windows的程序,可自动将固件刷新到Samsung的Android设备中。 它不适合消费者使用:该工具适用于三星自己的人员和经批准的维修中心。 Internet上泄漏的所有Odin版本都发布到发烧友站点和用户论坛,特别是为了最终用户修复或自定义其设备的目的。

The point of using Odin is that it’s official Samsung software, which the phone or tablet recognizes as authorized to load up bootable files onto the device. It’s possible to root or otherwise modify some Samsung devices without it, but a lot of techniques and repairs require its use.

使用Odin的要点是它是三星的官方软件,手机或平板电脑将其识别为已授权将可启动文件加载到设备上。 可以在没有它的情况下生根或以其他方式修改某些Samsung设备,但是需要使用许多技术和维修方法。

That being said, pay attention closely here: using Odin yourself has the potential to brick your phone. Plenty of Android enthusiasts have used it safely, but there’s a chance that if you load up the wrong firmware file or interrupt the flashing process, the phone won’t be able to boot again. It’s also possible that even if you send your phone into Samsung for a more official fix, using the Odin software will void your warranty. If you’re flashing a new ROM onto your phone, you’ll probably lose all of your user data and apps as well…but .

话虽这么说,在这里要特别注意:自己使用Odin可能会使您的手机变砖。 许多Android发烧友已经安全地使用了它,但是如果您加载了错误的固件文件或中断了刷新过程,则有可能无法再次启动手机。 即使您将手机发送给Samsung寻求更正式的修复,使用Odin软件也可能会使保修失效。 如果您要在手机上刷新新的ROM,则可能也会丢失所有用户数据和应用程序……但是 。

Got all that? Okay then, here’s what you need to do.

知道了吗? 好的,这就是您需要做的。

第一步:找到正确的Odin版本 (Step One: Find the Right Odin Version)

Before you use Odin, you’ll need to find and download Odin. Yes, that seems pretty obvious, but it’s easier said than done. As mentioned above, Odin isn’t published by Samsung for public download, so you’ll have to find a version hosted by a third party. These are generally linked to by user forums, the most prodigious being . This gigantic site has sub-sections for almost every major Android device.

使用Odin之前,您需要找到并下载Odin。 是的,这似乎很明显,但是说起来容易做起来难。 如上所述,Odin并非由三星发布供公众下载,因此您必须找到第三方托管的版本。 这些通常通过用户论坛链接到,最杰出的是 。 这个庞大的网站几乎涵盖了所有主要的Android设备。

At the time of writing, the latest version of Odin that’s made its way into the hands of Samsung customers is 3.12. We’re wary of recommending specific download sites, since none are truly official, but we’ve had good success with  in the past. But as always, when downloading software from unknown sources, be sure you have first.

在撰写本文时,已经送入三星客户手中的Odin的最新版本是3.12。 我们不建议您推荐特定的下载站点,因为没有一个站点是真正的官方站点,但是过去我们在方面取得了成功。 但是,与往常一样,从未知来源下载软件时,请确保首先安装了 。

Download the Odin installer to your Windows PC, and unzip it if it’s in a compressed folder. The program is , it doesn’t need to be installed.

将Odin安装程序下载到Windows PC,如果位于压缩文件夹中,则将其解压缩。 该程序是 ,不需要安装。

第二步:查找可刷新Odin的固件文件 (Step Two: Find An Odin-Flashable Firmware File)

This is probably the reason you want Odin in the first place. Odin files vary in size, from enormous multi-gigabyte firmware files (the main operating system for an Android phone) to small updates to other necessary systems, like the bootloader or radio. Most of the time, you’ll be using Odin to flash either a stock, unmodified software image or a slightly modified one that adds tools like .

这可能是您首先需要Odin的原因。 Odin文件的大小各不相同,从巨大的数千兆字节的固件文件(Android手机的主要操作系统)到对其他必要系统(如引导程序或收音机)的小更新。 在大多数情况下,您将使用Odin来刷新库存,未修改的软件映像或稍加修改的映像(其中添加了等工具)。

Again, you’re primarily looking at user enthusiast sites like XDA as the main distributors for these files. Users will generally find the software, upload it to a file hosting service like AndroidFileHost, then make a new forum post to announce it and link to the hosting service. These posts serve another important function: allowing you to make sure that the file you’re using is actually compatible with your device.

同样,您主要是在将XDA等用户发烧友站点视为这些文件的主要分发者。 用户通常会找到该软件,将其上传到文件托管服务(例如AndroidFileHost),然后发布新的论坛帖子以宣布该软件并链接到托管服务。 这些帖子具有另一项重要功能:允许您确保所使用的文件实际上与设备兼容。

There are several things you should check for before choosing a file to download and flash:


  • Device compatibility: Make sure the file is intended for flashing on your specific device and device variant. Not all “Samsung Galaxy S8” phones are the same: regional differences can be slight or major, with variations in processors, radios, and other hardware. Check the full model number to be sure…and if you’re not sure, you probably shouldn’t flash.

    设备兼容性 :确保文件旨在在您的特定设备和设备型号上闪烁。 并非所有的“三星Galaxy S8”手机都是相同的:地区差异可能很小或很大,处理器,收音机和其他硬件也有所不同。 检查完整的型号以确保……如果不确定,则可能不应该闪烁。

  • Carrier compatibility: Some variants of Samsung phones are only for specific mobile carriers, while others can be used for multiple carriers. That makes some phones incompatible with some firmware. Again, you can probably make this determination based on your phone’s model number.

    运营商兼容性 :三星手机的某些变体仅适用于特定的移动运营商,而其他变体可用于多个运营商。 这使得某些手机与某些固件不兼容。 同样,您可能可以根据手机的型号进行此确定。

  • Downgrade blocks: If a software update is particularly extensive, it may not be possible to flash an older version of the phone’s software again. Pretty much the only way to know this is to check the reports of other users. Do a lot of reading in relevant threads before you move on to the next step if you’re trying to downgrade the software.

    降级功能块 :如果软件更新特别广泛,则可能无法再次刷新手机软件的旧版本。 几乎唯一了解这一点的方法是检查其他用户的报告。 如果要降级软件,请在进行下一步之前对相关线程进行大量阅读。

  • Odin compatibility: Older versions of the Odin program may not be able to flash the latest firmware files, so you may have to wait for the latest version to leak before continuing.

    Odin兼容性 :旧版本的Odin程序可能无法刷新最新的固件文件,因此您可能必须等待最新版本的泄漏才能继续。

Once you’ve checked everything, check it again. I can’t emphasize this enough: incompatible files are probably going to mess up your phone when you flash them. If you’re sure you have everything right, download the file. They’re typically uploaded in a ZIP or RAR archive—extract it to an easy-to-find folder on your desktop.

检查完所有内容后,请再次检查。 我对此不够强调:不兼容的文件在刷新时可能会弄乱手机。 如果确定一切正确,请下载文件。 通常将它们上传到ZIP或RAR存档中-将其提取到桌面上易于找到的文件夹中。

第三步:连接手机或平板电脑 (Step Three: Connect Your Phone or Tablet)

Turn off your phone, then boot it into the “Download mode.” This is a special pre-boot mode that prepares the device for flashing new software. Booting into this mode requires a specific combination of button presses; for older Samsung phones it was often Power+Home+Volume Down, held for five seconds. On the Galaxy S8 and Note 8 series, it’s Power+Bixby button+Volume Down. A quick Google search should tell you the combination you need for your specific model.

关闭手机,然后将其启动到“下载模式”。 这是一种特殊的预引导模式,可为设备刷新新软件做准备。 引导到此模式需要特定的按钮组合。 对于较旧的三星手机,通常按住Power + Home + Volume Down可以保持五秒钟。 在Galaxy S8和Note 8系列上,它是Power + Bixby按钮+降低音量。 快速Google搜索可以告诉您特定型号所需的组合。

The download mode screen on the Galaxy Note 8.
Galaxy Note 8上的下载模式屏幕。

Note that “Download mode” is specific to Samsung devices, and it’s a different state than “Recovery mode,” which all Android devices can enter. Your phone or tablet will have separate button sequences for each. They’ll look similar to each other, but recovery mode tends to have a handful of user-accessible options in a list, while download mode is merely a screen where the phone waits for input over USB.

请注意,“下载模式”特定于Samsung设备,并且与所有Android设备均可进入的“恢复模式”不同。 您的手机或平板电脑将分别具有单独的按钮序列。 它们看起来彼此相似,但是恢复模式在列表中往往会有一些用户可访问的选项,而下载模式仅仅是电话等待USB输入的屏幕。

Now that you’re in Download mode, plug your phone into your PC with your USB cable.


第四步:将Odin用作Flash (Step Four: Using Odin For the Flash)

With your phone or tablet connected to your PC, launch the Odin application. You should see a single entry in the ID:COM field, colored teal in the latest version, as well as an “Added!!” message in the Log section of the interface. If you don’t see this, you may need to hunt for a Samsung driver for your phone.

将手机或平板电脑连接到PC后,启动Odin应用程序。 您应该在ID:COM字段中看到一个条目,最新版本为蓝绿色,以及“添加!” 消息在界面的日志部分。 如果看不到,则可能需要为手机寻找Samsung驱动程序。

At this point, your options will vary. For a full stock ROM flash, you’ll be pressing each of the following buttons:

此时,您的选择将有所不同。 要获取完整的ROM闪存,请按以下每个按钮:

  • BL: the bootloader file.

    BL :引导加载程序文件。

  • AP: “Android partition,” the main operating system file.

    AP :“ Android分区”,主要操作系统文件。

  • CP: the modem firmware.

    CP :调制解调器固件。

  • CSC: “Consumer software customization,” an extra partition for regional and carrier data.

    CSC :“消费者软件定制”,用于区域和运营商数据的额外分区。

Click each button and select the corresponding .md5 file in the ROM or other software that you downloaded in Step Two. Depending on exactly what you’re doing, your package may not have all four file types. If it doesn’t, ignore it. Make sure to get the right file into the right field. Click the check mark next to each file loaded. Bigger files, especially “AP,” may make the program freeze for a minute or two, but just give it time to load the file.

单击每个按钮,然后在ROM或在第二步中下载的其他软件中选择相应的.md5文件。 根据所执行的操作,您的程序包可能没有全部四种文件类型。 如果不是,请忽略它。 确保将正确的文件放入正确的字段。 单击每个已加载文件旁边的复选标记。 较大的文件,尤其是“ AP”,可能会使程序冻结一两分钟,但只给它一些时间来加载文件。

This step of the process can vary a lot based on whether you’re flashing a stock ROM, a new bootloader or modem file, et cetera. Check the instructions for the file based on the post that you downloaded it from for precisely what to do. If you’re not certain which md5 file goes where, don’t proceed until you do.

根据您要刷新的是ROM,新的引导加载程序还是调制解调器文件等,此过程的步骤可能会有很大不同。 根据您从中下载文件的信息,查看文件说明,以确切地了解操作方法。 如果您不确定哪个md5文件会到达何处,请不要继续操作。

If everything looks right, click the “Start” button to begin the flashing process. It may take quite a while to transfer all that data, especially if you’re connected over USB 2.0. You’ll see the files flashed over in the “Log” or “Message” field, and a progress bar will appear near the ID:COM area.

如果一切正常,请单击“开始”按钮开始闪烁过程。 传输所有数据可能要花费一些时间,特别是如果您通过USB 2.0连接。 您会在“日志”或“消息”字段中看到文件闪烁,并且进度条将出现在ID:COM区域附近。

Once the process is finished, a “RESET” button will appear above ID:COM. Click it and your phone will reboot and load into its new software. Congratulations!

该过程完成后,“ RESET”按钮将出现在ID:COM上方。 单击它,您的手机将重新启动并加载到其新软件中。 恭喜你!

The steps above are generalized. Feel free to modify the process if the instructions provided for your specific device and flashing software are different, especially if you’re trying to flash a customized version of the phone’s software that didn’t come from Samsung.

概括以上步骤。 如果为您的特定设备和刷新软件提供的说明有所不同,请随意修改此过程,尤其是当您尝试刷新非三星提供的手机软件的自定义版本时。

Image credit: , Marvel.

图片来源: ,Marvel。



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